Fostering healing, Embracing diversity

Trauma-informed & culturally responsive care for your mental health

Online therapy for ADULTS IN ONTARIO, Canada

Dr. Nicola Hermanto

Asian psychologist offering therapy in Toronto and across Ontario

I’m a Clinical Psychologist providing online therapy to adults residing in the province of Ontario.

I have a special interest in the areas of trauma and culture:

  • I work with clients who have been impacted by adverse life experiences, who want more fulfilling relationships with themselves and those they care about.

  • Many of my clients belong to communities of colour, who are seeking mental health support that is inclusive and affirming of their cultural and ethnic identities.

Overall, I am passionate about helping people get to the root of their issues while honouring their cultural roots.

Psychology treatment at
the intersection of trauma & culture

Online therapy by a registered psychologist in Ontario


Are you feeling stuck with unwanted thoughts, difficult emotions, and problematic behaviours? Do you have a feeling that your past negative experiences have something do with it?

If you want to get to the root of your issues, get unstuck from negative patterns, and move towards healing and growth…

Culturally Responsive therapy

Is mental health not talked about in your cultural community? Is your cultural, ethnic, or racial identity overlooked in mainstream conversations about mental health?

If you want specialized support that honours your cultural roots, multi-faceted identities, and the unique lived experiences that come with it…

  • "You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending."

    - C.S. Lewis

  • “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”

    - Rumi

  • "To heal, we must remember to reconnect with the parts of ourselves that the world taught us to forget."

    - Ijeoma Umebinyuo

  • "Recovery can take place only within the context of relationships; it cannot occur in isolation."

    - Judith Herman

let’s Connect

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